Sunday, July 31, 2022

To Leadore Day 6: Getting to Leadore

I woke with 17.6 miles to get to the road to Leadore. 

I felt so slow and tired on any uphill no matter how mild. I grinded away slowly at the hills. It was mostly trending downhill, but if the downhill was steep, I went slow so I wouldn’t fall. When it was flat or not too steeply downhill I could walk faster. 

The forest was cool and shady. There were periods of grassy hills. There was a large stretch of open sage brush with cattle. 

I continued my streak of seeing not a single SOBO hiker, but I did see three NOBO hikers. 

I got water at a cistern about halfway through the day because I feared not being able to get a ride to Leadore right away. 

I met an older couple backpacking to the Sacagewhea campground. That was where I got the water after the long dry stretch. They told me the fence the trail was following was the state line and that I’d been in Idaho for the last 50 miles. 

When the road came into view I watched it for an hour and saw no traffic. There was no shade in the parking area or anywhere nearby. As I approached the parking area a truck pulled up and All-in and another hiker jumped out. They said jump in, the guy driving the truck was going back to Leadore. What a lucky break!

He dropped me off at the store where my package awaited. Wallaby, Mango and FastCash were sorting their resupply. It was nice to see them and also clear I’m a day or more behind the people I used to hike with. 

I got my box at the store, sorted my resupply and then went to the library next door where there was air conditioning. I wanted to wait a bit and then go get a burger at the restaurant across the street before the long almost mile walk to the park. 

In the restaurant I met a Canadian couple who gave me a ride to the “city park” after we ate. I felt no hunger and food didn’t taste like much. At the park were lots of hikers, some I recognized and some I didn’t. Everyone sat in the shade hiding from the blaring heat of this almost desert place. 

I took a shower and felt a lot better. I laid in the shade waiting for my charger to charge. It was nice to rest. 

I worry I cannot make it to Lima. I just have no energy. I should get stronger but I feel weaker every day. It’s 103 miles to Lima and first thing is a climb from 7700 feet to 10,000 feet. 

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