Sunday, July 17, 2022

To Anaconda. Day 4 in this section: McDonald’s

I woke up early. After yesterday’s heat I wanted to maximize the coolness of the morning. I was 10 miles from McDonald’s in Anaconda. 

I slipped a note under Wallaby’s tent and headed out behind the Belgium folks who are unfriendly and insular. They soon faded into the distance. Everyone walks faster than me. 

I walked along a winding river. The mosquitoes were fierce. The morning was colder than expected. The road turned to pavement and I tried to walk in the dirt on the side. The speed limit was 70. People in cars were polite, slowing or pulling over or both. 

I walked by a correctional facility and could see men exercising in a cage. This contrasted with me exercising the kind of freedom of movement most people don’t even attempt, and I was doing it for self-actualization reasons. 

Eventually I turned on the last highway that would bring me to town. Town wasn’t where I thought it would be. I’m still not used to reading the app/map in a SOBO direction. 

My first goal was McDonald’s. They have clean bathrooms, delicious breakfast sandwiches and a place to sit. Soon lightning appeared on the horizon and rain began to fall. McDonald’s would also be dry and warm. 

I made it in time for breakfast. I turned down two offers of rides to town. Road walking this 10 miles felt like a big accomplishment. 

Mowgli had been here already for a night. Wallaby had camped with me at the trail angel. Lotus, FastCash and Mango were behind. I began wondering if I should separate from them. I cannot hike as fast but I can get up earlier and hike longer hours more steadily than them. I like their company at night but I end up alone almost all day anyway. Enduring the rain and mosquitoes seems easier knowing I’m not alone. I need to decide what to do. 

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