Friday, July 15, 2022

To Anaconda. Day 1 in this section: Two ponds

I’m starting today at mile 358. I’m ending at mile 370. 

After much breakfast eating and last minute shopping the six of us hitchhiked to MacDonald Pass to resume our hike. We were Mowgli, King Wallaby, Lotus, FastCash, Mango and me. 

Our packs were heavy with food. The hiker hunger has set in. It’s not too bad yet for me, but I still had way too much heavy food. 

A funny thing about these young folk and their hiker hunger: I have never seen people eat so much. And when they eat they do a little dance. They sort of shake their shoulders, do a little shimmie, smile and bask in it. It’s funny to observe.

The trail started out on a hill with cell towers and then entered a forest decimated by bark beetles. Some trees still stood but most were horizontal all over the place like giant pick up sticks. There were not that many lying across the trail but there were some. The trail was not nearly as scenic or steep. There was blooming bear grass everywhere. Locals say this is a super bloom year for bear grass because of all the rain they had this summer. 

It looks like the rain is over and hot summer has arrived. The sun was hot and bright. The evening was warm. We all congregated at the end of the day at a picturesque little pond next to a dirt road. Mango jumped into the pond and laughed as she swam across to the middle. Everyone ate big dinners to get the food weight down. I had a Breakfast Essentials shake with powdered milk and whey protein powder to try and use up some bad tasting water I collected from a seep. I heated water for hot mashed potatoes to which I added a generous helping of Kerrygold butter and cheddar cheese and chicken. 

I set up my tarp and bug net because of the pond. I may cowboy camp in this section if we camp somewhere without mosquitoes, wasps and flies. 

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