Thursday, July 07, 2022

Day 5 in the Bob

I am starting the day at mile 2797. 

I hiked by the Chinese Wall for most of the morning. I would climb over a saddle at a point on the wall. There would be snow. Then I would descend into a bowl under the next segment of wall. I did that about three times and then the trail turned away and began a long descent first through shaded forest then through a burn zone that seemed more like just open country. 

I was grateful there were almost no blowdowns through this descent. Comments in FarOut said something about them but they had been cleaned up. I’m so grateful to have gotten to experience clean trail. They looked like they had been horrific. 

I met a young couple out on a loop backpacking trip. They seemed nice. We talked for a while. It seems less lonely and remote to meet two groups two days in a row. 

I managed to keep my feet dry until 2:30 when I finally had a wet ford. I took a break on the other side since I had achieved 14 miles and so had plenty of time to exceed my daily goal of 15. 

I decided to make my goal Rock Creek ranger station. I was following fresh horse prints an hoped there would be people there making tritip. The trail was somewhat level, forested and mostly viewless. Easy cruiser trail. Nobody was at the ranger statio. I got my tent up and dinner made by 7pm. 

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