After almost 48 hours on the train I arrived at Glacier National Park. Instantly I met hikers and led them to Luna's where there were dozens of hikers staying. It was raining and snowing.
I hitched over to Two Medicine and got a ride instantly from a Native American who pointed out the land he owns and told stories about his family and beaver dams and buffaloes. He even waited for me and took me and another hiker back to East Glacier. So nice!
The ranger told me there were no Belly River permits open for a few days so I mapped out three day hikes I can do while I wait. Part of the CDT is closed for several weeks. I have already hiked that part. So my plan is to do my day hikes, try to get the Belly River permit and once I've done as much as I can, I'll start the "real" CDT from East Glacier. I am not going to road walk any of Glacier.
I am not going to stress about perfection or direction or connection. Those are the values of the hyperactive hive mind, the mind of the tech worker. I am retired from servicing the student debt machine that services the capitalist machine that services the rich in their quest to destroy the planet with their insatiable hunger for money and power. I quit!
Sounds good, Piper! Remember Mountain Goat? You and he met on the PCT, talked about trails, and the comment I remember was "any trail will do." Enjoy the beauty wherever it is. BTW, Jellystone is partially opened again, whatever that means. Love, Mom