A pair of wide Chacos arrived for me in the mail. I can't believe the difference between them and my regular ones. Thank you, Crow, for letting me know they came in a wide width (I think I heard it from you first). These actually fit.
I went for a Sierra Club hike earlier today to a local swimming hole. I thought it was too cold to swim, but most of the others went swimming. Fairbanks is still winning the summertime temperatures over Santa Barbara, although we won one the other day.
The hike was much too short. I feel like walking somewhere. Why does life involve so much sitting in rooms with bullies and crazy people and so little walking?
In other news, at the same time I'm celebrating bringing another item of consumerism and plastic into my life, I got an email from the Algalita organization that studies plastic pollution in the ocean. Looks like they are getting the word out.
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