Monday, May 17, 2010

Kill myself weather

Such a difference from Agua Dulce Santa Barbara is. It's gloomy, cold and even raining a little today here in Santa Barbara. It's like winter has come. It was like driving into hell after enjoying the sun and warmth of Agua Dulce all weekend.

During winter we have such nice weather. It may be cold, we may have some severe storms, there may be snow in the backcountry, but where it's winter most places in the US, it's prime hiking season here in Santa Barbara. Then summer begins to approach and in the rest of the US it's time to hit the outdoors but in Santa Barbara, it's time to take anti-depressants and turn on your SAD prevention lights.

God how I hate June Gloom which has now become May Gray since it comes earlier than it used to when I was young. May Gray, June Gloom, the Fog of July, Fogust, September (don't have a clever one for September) and Nosunber. Then we arrive in fog-free December and enjoy some great weather again until the following May.

Overheard my co-worker calling it Serial Killer weather.


  1. Whatever you do, Diane, don't move to Seattle!

  2. God no!

    And people who want sunny Santa Barbara should never come visit in the summer time! Come for Thanksgiving or Presidents Day.

  3. We've got a fire going tonight. We never have a fire going. That's how bad it is.

  4. I hate to be a wet blanket aka fog, but I love the fog in summer. Every time I go to the back country in summer where it is steaming hot, and return to the cooler coast, I am thankful for it. It means that just hopefully, there is less potential for fire in several coastal open spaces.
