I got a job. It is a part-time job doing web stuff for a catalog publisher.
One of the guys there said he looked me up on the web and read about all my hiking. Welcome back to the cubicle, he said.
I'm sad my whale job will be ending so soon. Last year we worked until April. This year they think we'll be finished sometime this month. All the whales must have swam far away from the recorders. There was little to listen to this year.
Even though having a seasonal job is stressful because it ends and then you have to find another way to make money, having a part-time job makes it harder to go on a multi-month hike because it isn't seasonal.
I will probably have to find another job after my whale job ends. Or else get more freelance work. The part-time job won't be enough by itself.
The good thing about my new job is I will get to do more programming than I did at my name-brand, high-powered, career-oriented job. I consider it being paid to learn. At my name-brand job, they paid me well but imprisoned me and turned my brain to mush copying and pasting text in files to the point I felt like I would never be able to get another decent job anywhere else. Better to stay learning new things so I can stay mobile and free.
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