Friday, July 10, 2009

Seiad Valley zero day

I watched movies yesterday and enjoyed a late afternoon rain storm. I slept in the hay in my tent and slept very well.

In the morning I went to the cafe, the home of the famous Seiad Valley pancake challenge. Five pounds of pancakes in 45 minutes and their yours for free. I opted for the 2 egg breakfast only with 4 eggs instead of two and an extra English muffin. After eating this breakfast, I felt finally alive again. I had walked in a zombie and walked out a human again.

I almost felt ready to hike on into the steep, sunny hill, but then the sun got suddenly very hot and I lost my will. I hoped I could hang out until afternoon and begin the climb then after the heat broke. So I waited, reading a John Grisholm novel.

I got 1/2 the way through the novel when a couple of hikers arrived. Unbreakable and No Trace. Unbreakable was indeed breakable. She had been recovering from a broken toe for the last 8 weeks and she and her husband were resuming the hike starting here. Soon after meeting them, Chuck and Tigger drove up in their van. Tigger was going to hike the next section, Section R.

They bought some burger meat and hot dogs and buns and proceeded to have a barbecue. As we were all standing around talking, we saw Billy Goat walk down the road so we invited him over. Who could leave now? It was a party. I paid for another night and called it a zero day.

It was a hot night and I had trouble sleeping. I slept out of my tent because the corral was now full of tents. Mosquitoes bothered me and night sweats made me very uncomfortable. In the middle of the night, I found three huge frogs by the bathroom. I picked one up and told him how cute he was. He peed on my foot so I put him down.

I tossed and turned but was feeling ready to go by morning.

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