Sunday, May 17, 2009

Almost ready to go

I think I've got all my resupply boxes packed.
  • I have one for Hikertown with food to get me to Tehachapi.
  • There's one for Tehachapi. Even though there is a store, I have odds and ends to supplement what I can buy there.
  • I'm sending one to Kennedy Meadows that includes new shoes, my tent and a bear can.
  • I'm sending one to Lone Pine that has food for the stretch from Tuolumne Meadows to South Lake Tahoe. I can opt to forward the Lone Pine box to Tuolumne Meadows or have a go at the High Sierra again. Either way, I'll have to supplement it with stuff bought from Lone Pine.
  • Then I have a big box to send to my mom's house of all my leftover food, the giant containers of Muscle Milk Tony bought me and some other odds and ends that I'll divvy up for Oregon and Washington when I get there.
  • Additionally, I have two boxes with fresh shoes. I'll just ask Tony to send those to me when it looks like I'm going to need new shoes. Hopefully that will be roughly Ashland and Cascade Locks. Whatever is the logical start point of those two states.
I'm currently listening to my music library of Irish tunes while I study for my final exams next week. Every time I hear a good tune that I think I can learn, I'm looking up the music on If the sheet music is any good, then I'm copying it to a file that I'll print out to bring with me so I can practice some new tunes. I'm also including a list of all the tunes I already know with a few opening ABCs for the ones I tend to forget. Maybe this time I won't get stuck playing the same small batch of tunes over and over again because I forgot what I know.

I think the last things to take care of are these:
  1. Print mailing labels
  2. Put initial packages in the mail
  3. Leave a pile of packages for Tony
  4. Edit my web site so that it'll embed my PCT blog posts
  5. Go

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