I popped open Craigslist last night and found a nice laptop with Windows on it and bought it. How easy! Now I can browser test on my own Windows computer. I also plan to run some web servers and of course, Cygwin, because I'll always have a touch of linux geekiness lurking beneath my ordinary demeanor.
I got the computer so I can do some work for a client. That's right, I finally have real web dev work to do for a client. I am doing a site redesign plus installing a content management system for the site. I'll be using Wordpress, which is my favorite blog software. It is so customizable and can be used for a web site that isn't necessarily a blog. My plan is to create custom templates and use the page creation capability to manage pages and includes and the blog management to manage a library of articles. There won't be blog-like stuff like comments or blog archives or anything bloggy like that. My client will be able to edit (most of) her own web pages without being nickeled and dimed by some lame pimple-faced web designer.
It feels good to be doing web development again. I really do enjoy it. I just was not doing it at a fun place before I left on my big walk across California. It is nice to use my creativity and I feel proud that I can scare up work for myself without having to depend on someone else. I am glad I was patient and did not let fear lead me back to the cube.
I get to go back to the learning process again and do real web development. Programming, creativity, whatever I want. Recently I even wrote a little Greasemonkey script to add a link to my Blogger dashboard in the navigation bar at the top of the page. It bugs me that there is a customize link but not a dashboard link. Now I have one.
On another note, so far people seem to enjoy my book. I brought it to my writing class last night and people were impressed with how nice it looks. I am not happy with the margins on the book, but otherwise, it is a wonder to behold a book with my writing inside it. Here is a link to my book.
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